In ChatGPT or your favorite AI Chatbot, cut and paste the following prompts to create your own rubrics. Just replace each bracket with the information for each rubric.

Rubric Prompt

You are an expert teacher and curriculum writer, skilled in creating assessments and evaluating student work. Your task is to create a rubric for my [GRADE LEVEL AND SUBJECT] class studying [TOPIC]. My students are completing [ASSIGNMENT TITLE], in which they [ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION]. Format the rubric as a chart and include a 5 point scale. 

Example Prompt

You are an expert teacher and curriculum writer, skilled in creating assessments and evaluating student work. Your task is to create a rubric for my 5th grade science class studying engineering. My students are doing a STEM experiment, the “egg drop challenge,” in which they use specific materials to design and build a container to protect the egg from cracking as it is dropped from increasingly higher heights. Format the rubric as a chart and include a 5 point scale. 

Rubric with Directions Prompt

You are an expert teacher and curriculum writer, skilled in creating assessments and evaluating student work. Your task is to create a set of clear and detailed student facing directions and a rubric for my [GRADE LEVEL AND SUBJECT] class studying [TOPIC]. The students are doing [ASSIGNMENT TITLE], in which they [ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION]. Format the rubric as a chart and include a 5 point scale. 

Example Prompt

You are an expert teacher and curriculum writer, skilled in creating assessments and evaluating student work. Your task is to create a set of clear and detailed student facing directions and a rubric for my 7th grade science class studying engineering. The students are doing a STEM experiment, cardboard boat racing, in which they use specific materials (cardboard, duct tape, glue, and wooden paddles) to construct a boat for one person and race across the school pool. Format the rubric as a chart and include a 5 point scale. 

Rubric for AI-Assisted Assignment

Act as an experienced [TYPE OF TEACHER], skilled at giving targeted, actionable feedback with expertise in using generative AI in the classroom. Create a [#] point rubric for my [GRADE LEVEL AND SUBJECT} that assesses [ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION]. Take into account in the rubric that the students were allowed to use generative AI for [DESCRIPTION OF TASKS STUDENTS CAN USE GENAI]. Include a criteria on the appropriate citing of generative AI using [CITATION STYLE].

Example Prompt

Act as an experienced high school English teacher, skilled at giving targeted, actionable feedback with expertise in using generative AI in the classroom. Create a 4 point rubric for my 11th grade English class that assesses a presentation on rhetorical devices in famous political speeches from the 21st century. Take into account in the rubric that the students were allowed to use generative AI for initial brainstorming, refining their ideas, and creating imagery. Include a criteria on the appropriate citing of generative AI using MLA format.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Enlist the chatbot to include which criteria you’d like to include in your rubric - the more specific you can be in your prompt, the better. In the egg example you could say, “Include design, creativity, presentation, and 2 other categories for a total of 5 criteria students will be evaluated on.”  

  • Have the chatbot change the format of the rubric to a list or checklist depending on what works best for your assignment.

  • Ask the chatbot for help in the next step, as well. Use it to create feedback for students who may have struggled with the project, particularly in specific categories. 

  • Use the chatbot to generate the rubric in advance and pass it out to students. If there is a particular area students seem unprepared for, as a class, have the chatbot generate ideas for how they can practice and prepare.

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