In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to help you write a reference letter/character reference. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Reference Letter Prompt

You are an expert writer, experienced in writing reference letters and particularly skillful at conveying a person’s abilities and attributes. Your task is to write a [REFERENCE LETTER/CHARACTER LETTER] for [PERSON AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO YOU] who [ACTION THAT IS REQUIRING LETTER]. Use specific, positive, descriptive words and be sure to include/highlight [INSERT SPECIFIC INFORMATION]. Also note [ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION]. Do not [INSERT ANY SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS/GUIDELINES]. 

Example Prompt

You are an expert writer, experienced in writing reference letters and particularly skillful at conveying a person’s abilities and attributes. Your task is to write a reference letter for my 11th grade AP US History student, who is applying to Georgetown University. Use specific, positive, descriptive words and be sure to highlight my student’s outstanding academic achievement, exceptional personal qualities, and dedication to the field of history through her own historical research project on Winston Churchill. Also note her extracurricular activity involvement in varsity field hockey, student government, and volunteering at urban preschools. Do not make the reference letter more than one page and do not report specific grades. 

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Use the chatbot to create different types of reference letters. Adjust the prompt above to have the chatbot write a reference letter for a student applying to an extracurricular program, a job recommendation letter for a colleague, or a character reference for a colleague applying for a membership.

  • Check your outputs to ensure there is no unintended bias in the reference letter based on gender, race, ethnicity, etc. 

  • Ask the chatbot to refine your letter until it feels right and strikes the appropriate tone. You can change it by saying, "Make the letter more concise," "Make it more formal," "Don't use this phrase," etc.

  • Have the chatbot use specific information or anecdotes without sharing any personally identifiable information on the subject of the letter.



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