AI + Education Family FEUD!


We are co-hosting the first ever AI + Education Family FEUD at this year's THE AI SHOW @ ASU+GSV. If you’ve ever wondered who gets surveyed to determine the top answers, this time we'd love it to be you!

Co-hosted by, AI for Education, and GSV Ventures, we’ll be featuring two teams competing to guess the most popular answers to AI + education themed questions.

To be a part of the Feud just complete this two-minute survey.

We’ve got an amazing lineup of AI + Education thought leaders and practitioners:

Team 1 (EdTech/Nonprofit):

Ben Kornell (EdTech Insiders)
Sophia Romee (College Board, Gen AI Incubator Lead)
Randi Williams, Ph.D. (Day of AI/MIT)
• Dr. Sabba Quidwai (Designing Schools)

Team 2 (Education Leaders):

Connor Mulvaney (Teacher)
• Moses Ojeda (New York Public Schools)
• Patrick Gittisriboongul (District Admin)
Dr. Bridget Burns (University Innovation Alliance)

We’ll be closing the conference on the main stage on April 6 at 4:20 for what promises to be one of the most fun and unique events at the AI Show.

Fill out the survey and register for the conference now – it’s free!


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